matilda pick up lines

Ev-er-y life is unbelievably unlikely. You useless, used-car-salesman scum! But I'm his little soldier. MISS HONEY turns and sees MISS TRUNCHBULL watching various video screens playing footage of her Olympic games while an announcer narrates dimly in the background. And please don't say "the gym.". How about this. Behind MR WORMWOOD and MATILDA, the scene changes from a living room to MATILDA's bedroom. No kid likes being yelled at. [He takes out a cigar and takes hold of the baby.] Harry Wormwood: An idiot? Auuurrrgh! Yes. I'm the best! You chose books - I chose looks. Go on, then! For this newt, you piss-worm! Just knock on the door . MISS HONEY My mummy says I'm a jumped-up little germ, Eleven times two is twenty-two. If you became ill, heaven forbid, your doctor would be a college graduate. This child is a girl. MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO Well, I needed to learn to read words so that I could read sentences. 107+ Best Pick Up Lines for Flirting [Cute, Cheesy, Funny] I have the adoption papers. Specialness is de rigueur. I don't know. MATILDA sits down reading a book. MATILDA and ESCAPOLOGIST Matilda: [sees a painting of Ms. Trunchbull] RUDOLPHO dances across the back of the stage. The moved into a beautiful old house at the edge of town, and in the evenings, they would walk and take the air. LAVENDER Come on!] Dad said I'd learn the alphabet! FBI Agent Bob: Come in, come in, whoever you are. Trunchbull: I shall consign you to the seventh circle of hell, child. MISS TRUNCHBULL She's going to be your teacher. google_color_bg="EDC7C2"; He'll probably think he's in bed when he wakes up. Million $ Sticky Host: . Look, am I fat? ], CHILDREN The gate rolls away. My daddy says I'm his special little soldier. Harry Wormwood: It's your father who's going to federal prison. And sailed high up, up above the stands Amanda Thripp: I'm gonna sue you, I'm gonna burn down your showroom! Agatha Trunchbull: Two, three, four! This is the cottage from your story. front bottom. Can I ask you a question? Agatha Trunchbull: With a little help from us, she could go to university before she . AAHHH! (Bruce!) Matilda turns around and carrot is facing her. The more that you try, Mr Wormwood! You have to stay inside the circle all the time. Who do you think I am, Miss Honey? Michael chokes the carrot, while putting baby Matilda in the sink to rinse away spinach, Miss Honey briefly nods yes as she leaves to rescue Matilda from the Chokey, Harry walks down to the kitchen, unaware that his hair has just turned an unhealthy platinum blonde, Michael's mouth drops open in shock upon seeing Harry's hair, walks into the dining room and looks in the mirror, throwing marshmallows as Matilda was grabbing the book that was thrown, the Trunchbull's car, sold to her by Harry Wormwood, has broken down, forcing her to haul it all the way back to her house, Matilda and Miss Honey arrive at Miss Honey's cottage, realizes the Trunchbull is Miss Honey's aunt, Matilda and Miss Honey walk past the Trunchbull's house, as the TV explodes, due to Matilda's powers, looks at Miss Honey and warning the children they were watching us, after smashing the entire cake platter over Bruce Bogtrotter's head, causing the children to stop cheering. Goofs . MR WORMWOOD I mean, my mum wanted me to stay at home with her. No, but don't people need good cars? MISS TRUNCHBULL finishes writing the word "GUILTY" on the board. Right. Fortunately, almost everything in Christianity is sin. [insulted] It's a library book! Gloria Magitum! The entire assembly will stay five hours after school and copy from the dictionary! All escapes start with the click of a lock. BRUCE My mommy thinks they're sweet. Miss Honey: What about me, then? endobj They are all dressed in costume: Eric as Batman, Tommy as the . Good Lord, woman, have you started already? in . MISS TRUNCHBULL DOCTOR I should be dancing the Tarentella Most parents believe their children are the most beautiful creatures ever to grace the planet. . Knock on the door, Jenny. 3 0 obj No one is as handsome, strong as me. TOMMY MR WORMWOOD runs over and grabs MATILDA's book. Lavender? I am trying to pull off the biggest business deal of my life and I have to listen to this. MATILDA You wouldn't listen. CHILDREN 1 She rented it from this lovely rhubarb farmer for just $50 a month, and she covered it in honeysuckle, and she planted hundreds of wildflowers, and she moved out of her wicked aunt's house, and she finally got her freedom. We're rehearsing. Well, take another! That's right, honey, look at mummy. Not a dot did I stray from the plot. [She stands and approaches MISS HONEY menacingly, towering over her.] MISS TRUNCHBULL takes BRUCE by the wrist and leads him off the front of the stage. DOCTOR . This calls for a proper smoke. . A little less dressing like your mum. The teacher's clearly falling short. Matilda (1996) - Quotes - IMDb I hope you know CPR, because you are taking my breath away. They were written that way: You No one like a smart-mouthed girl like me. I'll say! They line up at the back of the stage. You're just wasting enerGy, Oh, parle Italiano? 9. 101 Winning Pick-Up Lines To Say Or Text Your Crush - Live Bold and Bloom Even time loves us.". As I stepped up to the circle, did I change my plan? BIG KIDS She's probably having a meeting or something and won't want to be interrupted. PDF MISS HONEY LAVENDER - Theatrikos I've got a plane to catch at three. 105 Cute Pick-Up Lines That'll Make Them Smile And Text You Back Melanie Gervasoni and Saimonas Lukoius Oh shoot, here we are again. Stop. [sometimes, to be in time with the music: Well? Special guest towards the end. DOCTOR Or - or say you were sued for selling a faulty car. If you can't handle the little brat, I'LL LOCK HER IN THE CHOKEY! [to Zinnia] MATILDA You have to put it right. School is really fun, according to my mum. ", MATILDA and the ACROBAT'S SISTER [off-stage] Well, a man is entitled to come home and find dinner on the table, without having to wait for a convention of male strippers! We can spell "difficulty". Cheesy Valorant Agent Pick-Up Lines : r/VALORANT - reddit Bye, Mrs Phelps! Oh! 2. And so it was, they decided to perform the most dangerous feat ever known to man! MISS TRUNCHBULL I mean, it's just not normal for a girl to be all . What do you think it took to become English Hammer Throwing Champion 1969? Harry Wormwood: Matilda : I wonder what Miss Trunchbull is afraid of. COUPLE 2 More than one. DOCTOR Just so you all know, she's my best friend! She re-enters carrying two square blocks, one larger than the other. My word is my law! Am I . But unless you want to suffer, listen up Do you need a sin for your next confession? MRS WORMWOOD The CHILDREN, save BRUCE, but including MISS HONEY, hide under the desks. Who you been talking to? We cannot simply place her in the top form with the eleven-year-olds. Matilda's teacher? The DOCTOR and the CHILDREN sing into their stethoscopes. Platinum blonde hair dye. Not dressed in hospital cotton, MATILDA It was the age of wisdom . It's very quaint, it's very sweet, Funny Pickup Lines Woman's Day Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? National Green Hair Day! Matilda: MR WORMWOODOh, my good Lord. Just knock on the door. . I? She didn't know. The Whisper Challenge: Cheesy Pick-Up Lines Edition *MEET MATILDA MISS HONEY Don't let her win. She holds the hat out to him. If you are having fun, you are not learning. 2 0 obj BIG KID [BEN] Between you and it, You don't use sympathy or tenderness. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. [the Trunchbull's car, sold to her by Harry Wormwood, has broken down, forcing her to haul it all the way back to her house]. And I've told her all about you and your smarty-pants ideas. Like you, I was (Q) curious, Look at you trying to hide, silly. You don't have to cry, you don't have to shout . Mrs. Wormwood: Try to be funny, or clever, or both! Oh, of course. Would you like some milk? MISS TRUNCHBULL . Harry Wormwood: [walks into the dining room and looks in the mirror] Have to admit I've had them since I was big enough to Xerox. It's a good thing I have my library. [He rips the towel off to reveal that his hair is green.] The boy's a looney. Mum, would you like to hear a story? I'll come back later, then. [They start chattering. MATILDA THE MUSICAL. [Harry takes his first look at Matilda, grunts, and leaves]. Past Lavender. Sing, Jenny! In my school? They're individual! Agatha Trunchbull: . Some will grow to be butchers, or bakers, or candlestick makers. Agatha Trunchbull. Bambinatum! And Jenny's outside. Hey, dip face. If you were six-and-a-half, you'd be in school already. [to his partner] There's not a lot of difference in size. BIG KID [BEN] Agatha Trunchbull: Jenny : Quite the contrary. MATILDA Yes. We never thought it was possible, Where he's been for the last hour, actually. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X. Dearest pie, how old is Matilda? You're supposed to be teaching SPELLING, not poetry! [She grabs a baton with a yellow ribbon attached to it and starts twirling to the music.] endobj They sits and unpack their bags. Matilda Quotes Showing 1-30 of 112 "So Matilda's strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. No, it's a library book! Matilda might never have discovered her great own strength of mind, were it not for the events that began on the very next day. Is the first word . She found a small cottage. You know what interruptions do to my energy flow. This boy, Bruce Bogtrotter, is none other than a vicious sneak thief! See you next week. "It is where the loneliness of life has led us.". Babes, I'm on fire, here! BIG KIDS You show the little brat! Just write. AAAHH! Well, I suppose your mother will be waiting for you. Agatha Trunchbull: Indeed, sir. MISS HONEY. . But Harry's ranting and raving gave Matilda the key to her power. I mean, I know you say you didn't, but obviously, you did. [loses it, to Matilda] Now, eat it. Where's his fingie? So go and put some highlights in your hair. Pathetic, little me. They took one look at the mileage on the first car and they said that these cars were all knackered. Narrator: 22 Best Matilda quotes ideas | matilda quotes, matilda, quotes The vanity rises again, signifying morning. it isn't fair! It doesn't really matter if you don't know much! And I will teach you a thing or two. I have my ion you. These are the best hilarious pick up lines we've got, so if you can manage a decent delivery, you've got great odds you'll have her smirking, smiling, laughing, and eager to get closer. Soundtracks, hands the car drill to Mikey, then walks to Matilda, after listing prices of cars bought and sold, he, Zinnia, and Mikey glance at the paper, then at Matilda, Harry takes his first look at Matilda, grunts, and leaves, Harry and Zinnia are leaving the hospital with the baby, mimicking Amanda with a high-pitched tone, everyone in the room except Miss Trunchbull and Miss Honey join in, strikes a desktop with her riding crop and all the children instantly face forward, whacks the desk again with her riding crop, Miss Trunchbull has accused Matilda of going into her house, grabbing and clenching Miss Honey's wrist very tightly in her fist, suddenly mad, she briskly releases her arm from Miss Trunchbull's grip with her free hand, Matilda comes home from school, excitedly. You spend us into trouble and you expect me to get us out. [mimicking Amanda with a high-pitched tone] Here. Crowd! [She flicks the screens off again.] Glad I never was one. RG0 CHILDREN [to the phone] I'm gonna call you straight back. For men. That's it! Trivia MRS PHELPS This morning, you sneaked like a serpent into the kitchen and stole a slice of my private chocolate cake from my tea tray. She'll call a truce, Bruce. The scene changes to the library. Matilda: My daddy says I'm his special little . MATILDA sits to the side, reading a book. FBI Agent Bob: [Harry and Zinnia are leaving the hospital with the baby]. Now EAT IT! You have to stay inside the circle all the time. The children begin to pop up from behind the table and speak. [Matilda arrives home from school late at night after Bruce Bogtrotter's encounter with the Trunchbull] What kind of society would that be? So give me more cake! She'll call a truce, Bruce. Sit down. 140 Pickup lines ideas | pick up lines funny, pick up lines cheesy Did you see all those packages outside? Whatever you do, just don't give in. Thirteen times two is twenty-six. Agatha Trunchbull: You have a worm, I hate pigtails! Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty! Look, I don't suppose we could exchange it for a boy, could we? Agatha Trunchbull: Even if you're little, you can do a lot. Narrator: I hope you've enjoyed these lines and had a laugh! MRS PHELPS I'm not paying it. Matilda lies down and flicks off the light. Well I had to take a shower, Harry! The CHILDREN and BIG KIDS take off their blazers and throw them on top of him. Oh, my undercarriage doesn't feel quite normal. Harry Wormwood: I told them, I said, "Hey. Here we are, my heartstrings! MISS HONEY Did I drift off and dream for a minute or two? Does that mean I can get that new TV? MISS HONEY She's reading a book. A celebration of all the wonderful green things in the world, like, er, oh, like lettuce, and snot. [into recorder] The other dancers and judges exit, leaving MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO in a dramatic position. See, I know your headmistress. Knock on the door, Jenny. Her mind? They dance to the same routine until MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO overtake them with more complicated choreography. The CHILDREN and BIG KIDS hang their heads. . MATILDA . [He drags Matilda, throwing the book aside, to where Zinnia is]. And always keep your feet inside the line! What is this trash you're reading? That is v . Erm, well, as you know, Matilda is in the bottom class. Mustn't let a little thing like "little" stop you. [She wraps her hands around MATILDA.] You listen here, my dear, Okay. She's got no respect, that one. MR WORMWOOD unwraps the blanket that the baby is swathed in. ALL GIRLS Even me. Jenny: Your hair! All the while, AMANDA's screams get louder. [cutting off Harry's hat with scissors] Just because you find that life's not fair, it It gives me a warm glow in my lower intestine. And people would come from miles around: kings! Nothing will change. A purple spotlight starts to make its way from Bruce across the classroom. [speaking to Matilda about her and her father] I cannot for the life of me understand why small children take so long to grow up. Miss Honey taught us how to spell a long word yesterday. Agatha Trunchbull, principal, Crunchem Hall Elementary School. Oh, it's Miss Honey. so we manage all lists in categories just go to the table of content in our article and find your needed pickup lines from the article. I'll tell you something. And so, the great day arrived! Miss Honey: I've got a whole house to look after! And it isn't wide enough to sit. I can! Corny, sweet, and funny all in one. I chose looks! A little less zzz, a lot more zing. [walking out of the room excitedly] MATILDA Look, Miss Snit, a girl does not get anywhere by acting intelligent! Yes. She exits, not before scratching her behind and wiping her nose. . She says they make me look pretty! Flashbulbs go off. MR WORMWOODOh, this is thick! . Is a miracle! [appalled at Zinnia talking with FBI agents Bill and Bob] . But nobody else is gonna put it right for me. Shift you! In . MISS TRUNCHBULL I want to be in school. Oh, cook . Mr. Wormwood: She went on olden-day sailing ships with Joseph Conrad. The story follows Matilda as she interacts with her parents, who fail to see the worth in education, and Crunchem Hall headmistress Agatha Trunchbull. The first car your brilliant father sold cost $320. Loud, loud, loud, loud! Jenny : Not as brave as you. $5,000? If you want to throw the hammer for your country. My mummy says I'm a miracle. The room freezes as MISS TRUNCHBULL starts to write the word "GUILTY" on the board. MR WORMWOOD exits while MATILDA runs into her bedroom, flings the door open, and climbs onto her bookshelf. MRS PHELPS LAVENDER [talks to the woman librarian] Over the course of the song, she writes on the board: "Copy one million times by tomorrow. I told you that was a cheap set. A party entertainer enters with balloons. Is she here? The endings are often a little bit gory! Matilda: 3. They are good runners, sir. It's going to be brilliant! The CHILDREN reach out from behind the gate as the BIG KIDS carry them away. Maryn Liles Feb 17, 2023 It's no lie that online dating. BRUCE turns around and burps for a full ten seconds. MRS PHELPS exits as a siren wails and the scene changes to Crunchem Hall Academy. Don't tell me. COUPLE 1 | Share this Matilda : I love it here! A life. It's called "Moby Dick", by Herman Melville. He's my dance partner. MRS WORMWOOD MRS PHELPS But I . [looking at a portrait of her father] There is a spotlight on BRUCE as he begins to talk. MISS HONEY At night, they listened to the silence of their big, empty house, and they would imagine how beautiful it would be if it was filled with the sound of a child playing. And even if you put in heaps of effort, I'm fed up with all this reading! "I have a pen, you have a phone number. You missed it. a contract. A DOCTOR enters. And expensive, $9.25 for a bar of soap? No! Cause I had to slow down to take a second look at you. The CHILDREN enter from both sides of the stage, with lab coats over their costumes. Please! . I don't know what you're talking about. ], MISS HONEY 6. Innocent victims of their story. Matilda: MRS PHELPS is sitting on a block and MATILDA is standing on one, holding the two dolls. Watch as her eyes light up and her smile turn into an impressed grin. Claiming that they know stuff we don't know. Ah-ah-aah-ah. Babies! Bye-bye, sir. Each newborn life a canvas yet unpainted, MR WORMWOOD tickles him and MICHAEL laughs suddenly, then falls back into his normal dull expression. There's nothing you can get from a book that you can't get from a television faster. . And I never understood you, not one little bit Who's got a pen? BIG KID [TAMIKA] Science pick up lines 1. MISS HONEY . CHILDREN and BIG KIDS appear in the boxes to the upper left and upper right of the stage and sing. I need a car, inexpensive but reliable. Have been trapped inside this cage for ages, Listen, you little wiseacre: I'm smart, you're dumb; I'm big, you're little; I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it. Find the bally line and toe it, Agatha Trunchbull: Narrator: Stuff it in. You shall be . Knock on the door, Jenny. Ooh, me, me, me, miss! You gotta be loud! I can see Matilda Quotes Oh, I look nice. One day Jen, you'll see that everything I do is for your own good. A little less head, a lot more derriere. Oh, yes. You are guilty, because you are a fiend. My idea of a perfect school is one in which there are no children at all. "tomato"? [noticing her books] CHILDREN The apple never rots far from the tree! And, while you're at it, why don't you stick your stupid book to your stupid head? MRS WORMWOOD What? The seed of a war in the creak of a floorboard. MR WORMWOOD [Jenny knocks on Ms. Trunchbull's door] Stop me when this becomes true, but once upon a time, you and I went on a date.